The Posting Board

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a Cost Associated with Searching for Resources on The Posting Board?

There is no fee to search our site! All users can search for resources on The Posting Board free of charge. In addition, creating a general user account lets you save listings to your favorites, leave reviews, and apply for jobs (coming soon). To create an account and start taking advantage of these features, please sign up.

Does The Posting Board Receive Compensation for Patient Referrals?

Absolutely not! The Posting Board is a resource directory only. Providers pay to list their service information on The Posting Board; however, we DO NOT place, redirect, recommend, or advise our users on treatment services.

What is the Source of Information for Unclaimed Listings?

The Posting Board gathers information from various public sources, including government-hosted websites, licensing agencies, data portals, and public websites. We strive to verify all information listed on The Posting Board. However, there may be occasional discrepancies. For this reason, we recommend that you call the number or visit the website provided in the listing directly to obtain the most accurate information for your decision-making process.

How Does The Posting Board Validate Listings Information?

Information on published listings is supplied directly by a verified representative of the organization. These representatives must provide proof of identity, show that they have the authority to manage the listing, and furnish a valid business license before their listing becomes publicly accessible. This rigorous verification process ensures the accuracy and integrity of information on The Posting Board. If you have any reason to suspect that a listing is fraudulent, please Contact Us immediately, and we will promptly investigate the issue."

Can I Claim a Listing on The Posting Board?

Yes, you can claim a listing on The Posting Board. Simply locate the claim button on the desired listing and provide proof of identity, an active license, and your company's contact details. Verification typically takes 48-72 hours. Claim your listing on The Posting Board hassle-free!

Can I Create a New Listing on The Posting Board?

Yes, you can create a new listing on The Posting Board. To do so, visit our Join page, choose a membership plan, and create your account. Add your company's service details and submit proof of identity, an active license, company phone number, and email address. Verification typically takes 48-72 hours. Start showcasing your services on The Posting Board now!

Can I Join The Posting Board Without Creating a Listing?

The answer is yes! You have the option to create a free general user account that allows you to save your favorite listings, leave reviews, and soon apply for jobs. To get started, simply click create your General User account. Join The Posting Board today without the need to create a listing!

Is User Information on The Posting Board Sold or Shared?

Rest assured, at The Posting Board; we prioritize the privacy and security of our users' personal information. We never sell, trade, or share user information with third-party agencies. Your information is securely held and treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your privacy is our priority at The Posting Board.

How Can I Correct Incorrect Information on an Unclaimed Listing?

Encountered incorrect information on an unclaimed listing? Thanks for spotting it. To help us correct the mistake, simply click the "Suggest Edit" button on that particular page and provide us with accurate details. Alternatively, if you know someone who should claim the listing, share the link with them and encourage them to do so. Together, we can ensure the accuracy of listings on The Posting Board. Take action today to correct any misinformation on unclaimed listings!

How do I inquire About an Unclaimed Listing of My Business?

If you have inquiries about an unclaimed listing of your business, we're here to help. Simply Contact The Posting Board, and our dedicated team will respond to your inquiry within 48-72 hours. Reach out to us today to get the answers you need about your unclaimed listing.

How to Delete My Account 

If you're considering deleting your created account, we're sorry to hear that. We would appreciate the opportunity to address any concerns you may have and see if there's anything we can do to change your mind. Please Contact us and let us know how we can assist you in staying with us. However, if you still wish to proceed with deleting your account, follow these steps: log in to your account, navigate to Account - Manage Account, and select the "Close my Account" button. We value your feedback and are here to assist you throughout the process.

I Need Help with My Account? How do I Get Assistance?

If you're encountering difficulties with your account, we apologize for the inconvenience. We're here to assist you. If you're in the process of creating a New Account and require assistance, please reach out and provide us with a detailed description of the issue, and we'll do our best to help you. For Existing Users who need support, our team is ready to assist you and resolve any problems you may be facing with your account.